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学科发展论坛:Hong-Cai Zhou教授学术报告(2024年6月14日周五15:30,电化学楼C512会议室)

发布时间 :2024-06-06 11:10  来源:

报告题目:Molecular Pore Engineering: From Synthesis to Applications

报 告 人:Hong-Cai Zhou 教授,Texas A&M University



报告人简介:周宏才教授于2000年在德州农工大学获得博士学位。在哈佛大学完成博士后研究后,于2002年加入迈阿密大学牛津分校,并于2007年获得终身教职。2008年,被德州农工大学聘为全职教授,于 2014年晋升为Davidson教授。2015年,他成为Robert A. Welch化学讲席教授。分别于2016年当选为美国科学促进会(AAAS)、美国化学会(ACS)和皇家化学会(RSC)的会士。他从2014 年到2023年连续十年被评为高被引研究者(科睿唯安)。2022年,获得了亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会Carl Friedrich von Siemens研究奖。他是“分子孔工程”的先驱,致力于使用分子模块设计和合成具有可控的分立孔和集体孔行为的结构。他目前的研究领域集中于开拓新合成方法以获得具有独特催化活性的鲁棒型框架材料。他迄今已发表537篇论文,H指数为143。

报告简介:Design and synthesis of porous structures with desired pore environments are essential for many applications, including separation, storage, sensing, and catalysis. Synthetically, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline porous materials that are highly tunable over their components and pore spaces. In addition, the presence of labile or reactive parts, including labile coordination bonds and dynamic covalent bonds, enables the precise tuning of the pore environments mainly at the molecular level.

His group focuses on the molecular pore engineering of MOFs, the design and synthesis of pores with desired individual and collective pore behaviors, which includes but not limited to the generation of various levels (microporous, “nanoporous”, mesoporous, and macroporous) of porosity, the creation of hierarchically porous structures, pore surface modification, pore combination, and pore partition. The structural modification of the intrinsic cavities within MOFs results in alteration of functionality, such as selective recognition and cooperative behavior. This structure-property relationship highlights the importance of constructing pore spaces with precisely controlled sizes and functionalities for various physical/chemical processes. The pore engineering methods are expected to be applicable to diverse MOFs, which shall provide essential guidance on synthesizing increasingly complex materials for various practical applications, especially for catalysis and bio-medical applications.

The seminar will cover synsthetic methods that have been developed in his lab such as “bridging-ligand substitution”, “ligand-fragment co-assembly”, “kinetic analysis and tuning”, “linker installation”, “linker labilization”, “cluster and linker metalation, “linker migration”, “domino lattice rearrangement”, and “retrosynthetic design”.

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